Maintaining your home can be an expensive task. When something breaks you want to fix it, but those repairs can add up quickly. However, the price of a minor home repair does not compare to the potential cost of a failing roof. Luckily, there are steps you can take to avoid that hefty bill.

Here are 4 things you can do to extend the life of your roof.
Inspect Your Roof Regularly
The key to saving your money when it comes to roof repairs is to catch the minor problems before they become major ones. There are a lot of different factors to keep in mind while inspecting a roof. There are obvious problems like damaged shingles, but other problems may not be as easy to point out. Therefore, checking the ceilings of your attic should be a priority in your roof inspection. You may think that your roof looks fine from the outside, but there could be a hidden problem, such as leaks and mold, that you could miss if you do not inspect underneath.
Keeping an eye on your roof regularly is a good idea, but you should seek out a professional when it comes time to do a more thorough inspection. They will help you point out a small problem before it becomes a large one.
Replace Damaged or Missing Shingles
While your shingles are designed to endure the constant exposure of the elements, the materials underneath them are not. As years pass your shingles will begin to wear and lose their effectiveness. This can cause them to loosen and fall from your roof. If you begin to notice this happening, you should quickly replace them to avoid a much larger repair bill down the road. Gaps in the coverage from your shingles can lead to serious problems with your roof structure, so keep an eye out and replace shingles when necessary.
Clear Your Gutters
Your gutters allow water to easily flow away from your roof, but if your gutters are clogged, this can cause that access water to back up and potential damage your roof. Your gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year. You can do it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you to save time and mess.
Trim Overhanging Trees
The trees that hang near your roof provide shade which can help reduce the cost to cool your home, but they also pose a threat. The limbs from these trees can break, causing them to fall and damage your roof. Also, the leaves that fall from those trees can trap moisture beneath them. If there is an increased amount of leaves on your roof, the moisture they trap can lead to water damage. They can also easily clog up your gutters and lead to other problems such as algae buildup. By trimming any branches that hang over your home, you will be avoiding the damage that they can cause.
When in Doubt, Call Us!
Those are just a few ways you can avoid the headache of a damaged roof. If you do notice any damage, need an inspection, or just have any questions, you can always contact us here at Eagle Roofing and Construction!